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Shock wave therapy

In the medical world, shockwave therapy has been used since 1980. At first, shockwaves were used to break up kidney stones, but thanks to years of research and modern technology, today we can successfully use shockwaves to treat painful areas of the body. The main effects of the shock wave include biostimulation, acceleration of the healing process, acceleration of metabolism, improvement of blood circulation and stimulation of the formation of new blood vessels. The damaged tissue thus regenerates much faster and its complete healing is shortened to a minimum. The shock wave is generated in the head of the device and penetrates further into the skin. The correct penetration of shock waves into the body will be ensured by the application of contact ultrasound gel, which will facilitate the penetration of the wave. After overcoming the barrier, the resistance of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, the shock wave reaches further into the body. The penetration depth of the shock wave is limited by the use of a suitable end, for the correct targeting of its effect it is always necessary to choose the right end. The depth of penetration is in the range of 1-12 cm. The most common therapies for which we use shock waves are tennis elbow, heel spur, chronic shoulder pain, tendinopathy, adhesion pain, jumper's knee. Contraindications are acute magnesium conditions, hemophilia, pregnancy, deep venous insufficiency.